
Smart rainwater management solves more problems in the cities

From industry to recreational area
The harbour in Aarhus went through a significant transition in 2011-15 from being an industrial area to becoming a space of recreation with coherence to the city centre of Aarhus, the cathedral, the pedestrian street, and the environment along the stream, flowing through the city. The city wanted to change the landscape of the city and give trees and plants a central role, making the townscape look and feel greener and better to live an be in.
From industry to recreational area
The harbour in Aarhus went through a significant transition in 2011-15 from being an industrial area to becoming a space of recreation with coherence to the city centre of Aarhus, the cathedral, the pedestrian street, and the environment along the stream, flowing through the city. The city wanted to change the landscape of the city and give trees and plants a central role, making the townscape look and feel greener and better to live an be in.

Green urban spaces create well-being
Planting trees in urban zones have many advantages. Not only do the residents become happier by looking at and spending time in green surroundings; they also improve the urban climate. Trees cleanse the air and have the ability to lower the temperature in the city. The positive impact of the trees, however, won’t happen until they have grown to a certain size but with many large areas with hard surfacing, which minimises oxygen levels in the soil and prevents the roots of the trees in obtaining rainwater, it can be challenging to maintain right growing conditions for the urban trees.
Green urban spaces create well-being
Planting trees in urban zones have many advantages. Not only do the residents become happier by looking at and spending time in green surroundings; they also improve the urban climate. Trees cleanse the air and have the ability to lower the temperature in the city. The positive impact of the trees, however, won’t happen until they have grown to a certain size but with many large areas with hard surfacing, which minimises oxygen levels in the soil and prevents the roots of the trees in obtaining rainwater, it can be challenging to maintain right growing conditions for the urban trees.

Optimal growing conditions for urban trees
To give the trees the best conditions to grow strong and tall and create a beautiful, green urban space, it is essential that the soil stays uncompressed. That may be a challenge, especially on squares with the hard surfacing. Therefore, the new urban trees at Aarhus Harbour have been planted using StrataCells growth cells with the primary goal of enabling uncompressed soil in spite of the hard surfacing and heavy traffic.
Optimal growing conditions for urban trees
To give the trees the best conditions to grow strong and tall and create a beautiful, green urban space, it is essential that the soil stays uncompressed. That may be a challenge, especially on squares with the hard surfacing. Therefore, the new urban trees at Aarhus Harbour have been planted using StrataCells growth cells with the primary goal of enabling uncompressed soil in spite of the hard surfacing and heavy traffic.

StrataCell™ is a root-friendly sub-base system. The modules are made of recycled plastic, are easy to click together and designed to withstand vertical and horizontal pressures on more than 550 kPa. Also, it can contain up to 94 % mould. To secure the best possible growth conditions for the trees, the planting holes have also been established with our RootRain X2 - our watering- and venting system. This secures that the soil always has sufficient oxygen and that the trees are watered below the surface. This way, you can optimise the use of water and ensure that the entire root system gets enough water.
StrataCell™ is a root-friendly sub-base system. The modules are made of recycled plastic, are easy to click together and designed to withstand vertical and horizontal pressures on more than 550 kPa. Also, it can contain up to 94 % mould. To secure the best possible growth conditions for the trees, the planting holes have also been established with our RootRain X2 - our watering- and venting system. This secures that the soil always has sufficient oxygen and that the trees are watered below the surface. This way, you can optimise the use of water and ensure that the entire root system gets enough water.