
Smart rainwater management solves more problems in the cities

The original trees in the town date back to the foundation of the town in 1773 and stand as a big part of the historic expression. They were planted in rows along the streets and in a stringent pattern on the square. After having served for more than 200 years, they needed to be replaced.
The original trees in the town date back to the foundation of the town in 1773 and stand as a big part of the historic expression. They were planted in rows along the streets and in a stringent pattern on the square. After having served for more than 200 years, they needed to be replaced.

Innovative root control protects the pavement and the growth of the roots
When replacing the original trees it was important to reach the same beautiful and historic expression. However, today’s streets and squares are characterized by containing a larger percentage of impervious surfaces.
It can be a challenge to plant young trees in an environment with impervious surfaces. The trees do not get sufficient water or air and the growth conditions are not optimal.
Innovative root control protects the pavement and the growth of the roots
When replacing the original trees it was important to reach the same beautiful and historic expression. However, today’s streets and squares are characterized by containing a larger percentage of impervious surfaces.
It can be a challenge to plant young trees in an environment with impervious surfaces. The trees do not get sufficient water or air and the growth conditions are not optimal.

In order to solve the problem the new trees were planted in StrataCells – our root-friendly soil cell system that ensures optimal growth conditions for trees’ roots, also in areas with heavy traffic and impervious surfaces.
The StrataCells were combined with our root barrier, ReRoot, ensuring that the roots grow in the right direction instead of growing through the surface of the squares, bike lanes or pavements.
In order to solve the problem the new trees were planted in StrataCells – our root-friendly soil cell system that ensures optimal growth conditions for trees’ roots, also in areas with heavy traffic and impervious surfaces.
The StrataCells were combined with our root barrier, ReRoot, ensuring that the roots grow in the right direction instead of growing through the surface of the squares, bike lanes or pavements.

A green town for many generations to come
With the thorough renovation of Christiansfeld, the almost 250 year old town now appears almost as when it was originally established. With future sustainable solutions, the habitants and guests will be able to enjoy the new trees for many generations to come.
Many large areas of the town are protected. Securing the town for future generations with the respect for the original architecture and urban planning was a very special project to be part of.
A green town for many generations to come
With the thorough renovation of Christiansfeld, the almost 250 year old town now appears almost as when it was originally established. With future sustainable solutions, the habitants and guests will be able to enjoy the new trees for many generations to come.
Many large areas of the town are protected. Securing the town for future generations with the respect for the original architecture and urban planning was a very special project to be part of.